NSF videos launched

by Chris Bergin

NASASpaceflight.com has launched a new video service available for users of the site’s forum – the service is entirely free.

The specially ordered high speed FTP server is behind the newly installed section of the site – which will be updated constantly with new videos from the vast archives available to us.

Opening the new section today are two videos available to download for forum members. Signing up to the forum is free and takes 20 seconds – with the e-mail address you use to gain your password being held in confidence and not sold on as with some sites.

Video one is RocketCam’s full launch video of STS-114 – with the view from the External Tank’s camera that spotted the section of PAL Ramp foam that liberated on assent.

Video two is one of the last available updates from Lockheed Martin during the construction of the X-33 – as NASA pressed ahead at the time to build a fleet of VentureStars. The video contains rare footage of the X-33 under construction at the Skunk Works – along with technical data and testing.

If you are already a member of the forum, please click here to view the latest videos available.

If you are currently unsigned (and thus a guest) you will not be able to view this section of the site.

To sign up, click here: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/ and register your username to join.

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