Japan’s Kounotori H-II Transfer Vehicle has completed its eighth mission at the International Space Station following launch aboard an H-IIB carrier rocket, berthed mission and departure.
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ISS Roundup: an eclipse, an EVA, and more than just science returns to Earth
by Martin SmithEvery month aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is packed with activity, science, and research…
Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken have completed the second in a series of four spacewalks,…
As has been the process since 2017, the U.S. segment crew aboard the International Space…
Japan conducted its first launch of 2019 Friday, using the small Epsilon rocket to launch…
Following what was the fifth orbital launch of December, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)…
Busy December to mark end of year global launch salvo
by Chris BerginUp to 15 orbital launches are set to take place during a very busy December,…