NASA’s Commercial Crew Program – one of the Agency’s key near-term priorities – is once again battling against proposed funding cuts, following the House Appropriations Committee approval of their Commerce, Justice, Science FY 2014 Appropriations Bill. The report that accompanies the bill proposes a funding reduction and a change to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)-based contracts.
"Dream Chaser CCDev"
The historic Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has taken another…
In a recent presentation to the human exploration and operations committee of the NASA Advisory…
NASA administrator Charlie Bolden emphasized the need for Congress to fully support funding for the…
USCV-1: NASA planners slip first ISS commercial crew mission to late 2017
by Chris BerginThe first NASA crew to ride to the International Space Station on a commercial spacecraft…
With all three Space Shuttle orbiters now tucked away inside their respective museums, the International…
Atlas V green light after RL-10 is exonerated during Delta IV anomaly review
by Chris BerginThe United Launch Alliance (ULA) are clear to resume launches of their Atlas V rocket,…
ULA: Launch services customers class reliability as their main consideration
by Chris BerginThe ever-competitive launch services market has once again been thrown into the spotlight, with SpaceX…
Modifications planned for Atlas V SLC-41 Pad and SLS Mobile Launcher
by Chris BerginUnited Launch Alliance (ULA) have recruited Hensel Phelps to design the modifications to their Atlas…
KSC could facilitate military and commercial operators in the OPFs
by Chris BerginAs Kennedy Space Center’s transition from the home base of the Shuttle fleet to a…
Although no longer a leading contender to fly NASA astronauts to the International Space Station…
The famous Atlas rocket continues to show it’s ready to once again launch humans into…
As the United Launch Alliance (ULA) look forward to a potential surge in activity later…
The removal of work stands in Orbiter Processing Facility -3 (OPF-3) will begin next week,…
With the two of the three Commercial Crew integrated Capability (CCiCap) funding initiatives awarded to…
XCOR Aerospace – who are believed to be close to arranging a deal to set…
NASA’s Commercial Crew integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative award winners were announced on Friday, with SpaceX,…
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) have completed a major review into the ability to Human…
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Director Bob Cabana has stated his world famous spaceport must continue…
While the United States celebrated its Independence Day on Wednesday, the most powerful nation on…