Japan’s H3 rocket made a second attempt to reach orbit on Saturday, 11 months after it failed during its maiden flight. The rocket successfully sent a mass simulator and two small satellites to the same 669-kilometer Sun-synchronous orbit it targeted on the previous mission. Liftoff commenced at 00:22 UTC (9:22 AM local time) from Launch Pad 2 of the Yoshinobu Launch Complex of the Tanegashima Space Center.
Japan’s maiden launch of H3 rocket fails during second stage flight
by Adrian BeilJAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries launched – at the second attempt – to maiden launch…
H-IIA launches next-generation Inmarsat-6 Flight 1 satellite
by Lee KanayamaJapan succesfully launched the Inmarsat-6 Flight 1 (I-6 F1) satellite Wednesday as a part of…
Japan’s H-IIA rocket launched on October 26 at 02:19 UTC from LA-Y1 at the Tanegashima…
Japan’s H3 rocket awaiting final engine certification for first flight
by Lee KanayamaJapan’s third-generation liquid hydrogen-powered rocket, H3, is nearing closer to its first launch. The H3…